Enterprise Apiman Support

Enterprise support, development, and expertise from the co-founder, maintainers, and lead developers of Apiman.

  • Access to team that created and maintains Apiman
  • Rapid support response, from 1 hour
  • 24/7/365 incident support available
  • Answers to your developer questions
  • Bundled with a range of valuable services
  • Includes BPL Enterprise, our suite of enhanced functionality and integrations for Apiman
Black Parrot Labs is here to support enterprises using Apiman. We provide a range of professional services, including long-term support and integration expertise to ensure your Apiman projects are successful now, and into the future.

Support Subscription Guide

Core Counting Methodology

Bare Metal / Physical Deployments

Count all physical cores on the machine.

For example, if you have 16 physical cores on your machine, that is 16 cores for counted.

You do not need to count virtual cores/threads, such as those created by simultaneous multithreading (SMT, hyper-threading, etc).

Virtualised Deployments

Count only physical cores that are assigned to the virtual machine or appliance running Apiman.

For example, if your physical machine has 16 cores, but you only assign 8 physical cores to the VM running Apiman, then only 8 cores are counted.

Use of Resource Isolation, Resource Assignment, Resource Partitioning, or Core-Limiting Software

If the operating system, core-limiting software, or application can strictly imposes a physical core limit, only the number of assigned cores is counted.

For example, using cgroups/cpuset with containers, or CPU count within a Kubernetes service definition.

Check with us to determine what is acceptable.

Commercial Model

Support Subscription

BPL’s support is provided as a simple yearly subscription, and you don’t have to renew if you don’t find our service valuable. We certainly hope you do! We provide so much more than just incident support, helping you get the very best out of Apiman.

Our pricing is based on physical CPU cores, unless you are using an unlimited cores package. We use this model to keep things simple and fair, so larger users pay more. This enables us continue funding the development and maintenance of the open source project which so many rely on.

Multiple Environments

Purchasing support for all production instances is mandatory, but it is optional to license non-production environments, such as Staging, Testing, QA, UAT, Dev, etc. However, if you want BPL to support non-prod environments, then they will need to be covered by an an active support subscription.

Each supported environment must be named (e.g. production, UAT), and the cores accounted according to our core counting methodology.

We typically recommend licensing production and whichever instance is “one before production” in your delivery model, as this is often the place issues are discovered that clients want assistance with.

Payment and Service Initiation

Support becomes active only once payment has been received. Our BPL Enterprise suite of extensions is only available to active support subscribers.

We offer flexibility in which major currencies are accepted, please ask!

You are able to consume your subscription benefits any time throughout your subscription year. Just contact us, and we’ll arrange a schedule that works mutually, including estimates of how many days of time a task will take. We try out best to accommodate client schedules and requirements.

Subscription benefits do not roll over, so when you renew, unused benefits from the previous year will not “carry over”.

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